Monday, October 25, 2010


Have you ever been challenged to the point of mare defeat since you came into this planet earth? I have tested and have a concluding line drawn that it takes a positive partner plus determination to scale through your challenges.

When there is a burning desire in the midst of your challenges, you need that partner who seem very close to your heart to light up your decisions. Your partner could be a motivational book, some soul-music, and friends or even your spouse. Just grasp that thing that makes you feel good in the midst of your bad times then decide at that moment of your happiness.

We are bound to sometimes fall as no one can be proud of being Mr. /Mrs. /miss perfect. Inconsistency is the word! Sometimes we do not need certain ideas that contribute in making us more confused; we need those ideas that are capable to light up destinies.

Do not feel defeated in your heart because the word defeat does not exist in the winners’ dictionary. It might be shameful standing by some decision but its all about that burning desire in you. Just think about it. Promotion comes only when the grade point for the former increases by one. That’s what I mean! Starting all over again is not a bad idea; you can perform better this time.

The journey through this seeming life in which we live will one day come to an end. How much will it cost you to transform pictures of the mind into reality? Who sets the standard? By what criteria will you measure your accomplishments?

It is better to spend one year doing the right thinking or taking right decisions as regards your life, than; spending three months doing just nothing more than eating, sleeping and drinking your life away. The one year you spend, can produce more ideas, open more doors, and create new pictures.
Have you ever listened to the cock’s crow? He crows so confidently as if that’s the only thing he can do in the life he lives. Sometimes we watch on our TV sets, how people crow; talk proudly about their achievements/ accomplishments. Can you deny you’ve never wished being in their position? They thought right! You can think right! “Only a fool goes to bed when his house is on fire” braise up!

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