Monday, October 19, 2015


Trust me, the situation you are going through might be because it's time to saddle off those old bizarre characters and begin to exhibit new and desireable ones that will position you on the path towards a better living.

The situation presently tormenting and disorganising your mental focus may be saying to you; "are you not tired of being in the same position?" - Is the voice coming from your head, your mind, or from your spirit? - Do not ignore that faint voice stuck somewhere you cannot locate! Stop thinking it's the voice of Satan!

The problem sometimes is that we don't recognize God's voice when He speaks to us. We rebuke His voice because we feel it's a lead to an impossible track and unknowingly follow what the devil tells us - no wonder we have remained stagnated in the same position - praying without getting results!

Perhaps, the devil has blinded our mind with a common fact; "prayers move mountains" so we spend everyday of our lives praying and wallowing in hunger and lack, crying our eyes out yet in the same tormenting situation, putting the blames on our parents because they didn't give us luxuriant life and as well, we blame God for allowing the evil ones have a grasp on us while He sits on His Glorious Throne to watch us suffer.

No doubt, prayers move mountains! But there are some mountains you need to move yourself. Aren't you a "small god" powerful enough to make powerful things happen? Goodness! Are you supposed to recreate? Why do you have an imaginative mind? Why do ideas drop in your subconscious? I believe it's time to task yourself to the trivial!

God is not a magician. He doesn't work the "abracadabra" way. He gives abilities that will sure carry us through every present times and through every single challenge that confronts us on the way.

You might have been praying without backing up your prayers with positive actions - what you are supposed to do - well, I'm sorry my dear, your prayers may never be answered. Or perhaps, the answer you seek lies in your untaken decision. Until you take that decision inspired by God, your life will remain in one circle - the same circle you are in!

I'm here to challenge you! It's time to let your situation reshape your thinking module and make you a better person. God is speaking to you right now, do not ignore His voice again!

God doesn't just allow things to happen to us. He is responsible for this article and He is the one making you read through the lines.

He wants you to look beyond what you are going through right now. He wants you to take positive actions, to stop wasting precious time complaining and crying. He wants to grant your heart desire and you have to let Him do that. God loves you and He wishes above all things that you may prosper and be in health!

My concern is that after reading through this article, your life will experience a valuable and tremendous drifts that will position you in the top stage of your desire.

Kind Regards
Paul Okuk

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