Earlier, i published on this subject and got emails from great people who want to harness the wealth of their earning abilities. I promised to come back with the same topic; here it is. I will continue to publish more on YOUR EARNING ABILITY until you find financial freedom.
Follow this link to read the earlier published article... YOUR EARNING ABILITY http://www.getinspiredwithpaulokuk.blogspot.com/2014/05/your-earning-ability.html
Let me describe your earning ability with what you are
familiar with.
Your earning ability like fountain of
Wow!!! If you have ever seen a fountain, you will understand
how pure and full strength your earning ability is. Your earning ability cannot
be quantified, just like the ocean cannot be measured in content or quantity.
Your earning ability floods silently in your mind waiting to
be granted the opportunity to rush forward from the walls of your mind, into
the world, creating difference in your financial status through whatever aspect
of career you have chosen.
What you can do to better your financial life is so much more
than what you have done to get to where you are. These untaken decisions have
in them, potentials with capabilities to last you a lifetime of financial
freedom. Like water springs, frisking down gradients of mountains, your earning
ability awaits a downpour of your careful decisions and productive action plans
of beginning the process of exploring those abilities.
Your earning ability like farmland
Perhaps you have never given this a thought. There are
processes to maximizing your earning ability. These processes are synonymous to
farming. You acquire a farmland; clear the bush, till the ground, plant the
seeds, weed the grasses while allowing the seeds germinate and then you
cultivate. It doesn’t just happen. There are processes before harvest. So is
your earning ability. Your earning ability is fertilized with your decision to
want to earn more than what you are presently earning. Then it moves to
productive ideas, positive thoughts, progressive actions, hard work and
determination to remain and improve
your self-worth in your earning ability course.
Your earning ability if thoroughly taken advantage of, is
green, fertile and ever-producing. The mistake we make is “not willing to go despite all odds”. We seem relaxed with what we
have. We think aspiring more is being greedy. We don’t want to let go to gain
more. It doesn’t work like that. There is a vacuum principle of prosperity.
Brian Tracy New York
Times bestselling author shared a story about the vacuum principle in one
of his books (Earn What You’re Really Worth) thus: “Not long ago, a couple came
to me with a problem. The husband was working for a company owned by his family
and he was bitterly unhappy. The company was full of politics, and backbiting,
and negativity, and he was stressed out and hated his job. He wanted to do
something else but had no job offers or potential alternatives to his current
position. He asked me for my advice on what to do.
I explained to him that there is a Vacuum Principle of
Prosperity, which says that when you create a vacuum of any kind, nature rushes
to fill it. In his case, this meant that as long as he stayed at his current
job, there was no way that other opportunities could find him or that he could
recognize other opportunities. I told him to take a giant leap of faith and
just walk away from his current job with no lifeline or safety net. I assured
him that if he did, all kinds of possibilities would open up for him that he
simply couldn’t see while he was locked up in his current situation.
He took my advice; he quit his job. The members of his family
became very angry and told him that he would be unemployable outside of their
business. But he stuck to his guns. He went home, took a few days off, and
began to think about his experiences and his skills and how they could best be
applied to other jobs in other companies.
Within two weeks, without raising a finger, he had two job
offers from other companies, both paying substantially more than he was earning
working for his family firm and both offering all kinds of opportunities that
were vastly superior to those at the job he had walked away from. As soon as
the word had gotten out in the marketplace that he was available, other company
owners, haven worked with him and his company in the past, were eager to open
doors for him. As he moved down the corridor of life, he began to see
possibilities that he had been missing completely by limiting himself to where
he was.”
Your earning ability is so rich that when there is a vacuum
of any kind, nature will rush to fill it for you. There are obviously decisions
you still find difficult to take. Actions you still find difficult to
implement. Journey you still find difficult to embark on. Perhaps, what you
need is that “giant leap of faith” with no lifeline or safety net. But there’s
something you must know. From Brian Tracy’s story above, the man in question
had a good relationship established. He knew his job well and carried out his
duties more than expected.
He was his own asset which was why “…As
soon as the word had gotten out in the marketplace that he was available, other
company owners, haven worked with him and his company in the past, were
eager to open doors for him. If his past was not good enough, he
probably might not get lots of patronage, opportunities and the willingness of people
to work with him.
In maximizing your earning ability, you must leave deep
footprints behind as you go through life’s journey. Cultivate those earning
abilities in you. Picture a rice farm, stand from one end of the farm and
imagine not seeing the other end of the farm. This is what your earning ability
looks like. Kill the seed in you, bury it in your life and let it grow into
financial results that can feed a community of generations.
Paul Okuk
Follow me on twitter: @GETme_INSPIRED
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