Sunday, December 15, 2013


This is a comprehensive list of awards, honours and other recognitions rained on Nelson Mandela. However, Mandela has received more than two hundred and fifty awards over four decades, most notably; the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

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From 1994 to 1999, Mandela was President of South Africa. He was the first such African to be elected in fully representative democratic polls.

Before his presidency, Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist and leader of the African National Congress and its armed wing Umkhonto we Sizwe. He spent 27 years in prison, much of it in a cell on Robben Island. The rest of the time, he spent in Pollsmoor Prison on convictions for crimes that included sabotage committed while he spearheaded the struggle against apartheid.

Following his release from prison on 11 February 1990, his switch to a policy of reconciliation and negotiation helped lead the transition to multi-racial democracy in South Africa. Since the end of apartheid, he has been widely praised, even by former opponents.

Mandela passed away, to the after-life on December 5, 2013, when he was considered a celebrated elder statesman who continued to voice his opinion on topical issues. In South Africa he was often known as Madiba, an aristocratic title adopted by the elderly members of the royal clan that he belongs to. This title has come to be synonymous with Nelson Mandela.


▪ 1942 - Bachelor of Arts degree, University of South Africa.


▪ 1965 - Elected Honorary President of the Students' Union, University of Leeds


▪ 1973 - A nuclear particle discovered by scientists at the University of Leeds is named "Mandela Nelson"

▪ 1975 - Honorary life membership of the Students' Union, University of London.

▪ 1979 - Awarded Honorary Doctorate of Law, University of Lesotho, Maseru, 29 September

▪ 1979 Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding, by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations New Delhi, India


▪ Freedom of the City of Glasgow,and became local president 4 August

▪ Road named after Mandela by the London Borough of Brent

▪ Bruno Kreisky Award for merit in the field of human rights, chosen by a panel of international judges, Vienna, Austria


▪ Elected Honorary Life President of the Students' Union at the London School of Economics and Political Science


▪ Honorary citizenship of Rome, February.

▪ Honorary citizenship of Olympia, Greece, 17th March

▪ Honorary Doctorate of Laws. City College of New York, 5th June

▪ City Council of Dublin, Ireland, unveiled sculpture in a city park by Elisabeth Frink dedicated to Nelson Mandela, 26th June

▪ Award of the order Star of International Friendship in gold by the German Democratic Republic, 18th July

▪ City Council of Harlow, United Kingdom, renamed one of its major roads in honour of Nelson Mandela, 18th July

▪ AUEW/TASS, one of United Kingdom's major trade unions held a special ceremony to rename their executive committee room the 'Nelson Mandela Room', 18th July

▪ Freedom of London Borough of Greenwich, 20th July

▪ UNESCO awards its first Simon Bolivar International Prize jointly to Nelson Mandela and King Juan Carlos of Spain at a ceremony in Caracas, Venezuela, on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Simón Bolívar, 24th July

▪ City Council of Leeds, United Kingdom, names the Civic Hall 'Nelson Mandela Gardens', 10th December

▪ Park in Hull, United Kingdom, named 'Mandela Park'

▪ Honorary Doctorate of Laws, Lancaster University, United Kingdom

▪ The Students Unions of Warwick University, Coventry Polytechnic (now Coventry University) and South Bank Polytechnic (now London South Bank University) named rooms in honour of Nelson Mandela

▪ New York City renamed square in front of South African mission to the United Nations 'Nelson and Winnie Mandela Plaza'


▪ Honorary Degree, Free University of Brussels, 13th January

▪ London Borough of Camden Council, names the street where the Anti-Apartheid Movement has its headquarters as 'Mandela Street'.

▪ London Borough of Hackney Council, renamed a housing block after Nelson Mandela, April

▪ Playa Giron Award, Cuba, awarded by Fidel Castro

▪ Honorary membership of National Association of Local Government Officers [NALGO], United Kingdom

▪ London Borough of Haringey Council, names housing development after Nelson Mandela

▪ Monument to Nelson Mandela unveiled in Merrion Square, Dublin

▪ Elected Honorary Member of the Students Association, University of Strathclyde, Scotland

▪ Freedom of the City of Wijnegem, Belgium

▪ Awarded Star of International Friendship, German Democratic Republic, 27th August

▪ Freedom of the City of Aberdeen conferred on both Nelson and Winnie Mandela, 29th November

▪ School in German Democratic Republic named 'Nelson Mandela School'


▪ Revenue Staff Federation, United Kingdom, names its Commonwealth trade union scholarship after Nelson Mandela

▪ London Borough of Southwark names new road 'Mandela Way'

▪ Nottingham City Council names a room in a sports centre

▪ The Third World Prize, awarded annually by the London-based Third World Foundation for Social and Economic Studies, awarded jointly to Nelson and Winnie Mandela

▪ Awarded freedom of the City of Hull, United Kingdom.

▪ Awarded the Ludovic-Trarieux International Human Rights Prize by Human Rights Institute of The Bar of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, 29th March

▪ Nigerian writers organisation, Writers and Journalists Against Apartheid (WAJAAP), confers title of Life Patron

▪ Town of Huddersfield in West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, renames its speakers' corner Nelson Mandela Corner, September

▪ Freedom of the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October

▪ Honorary citizenship of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October

▪ Diploma of Honour and Friendship from the University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October

▪ Statue of Nelson Mandela erected in London by Greater London Council, unveiled by Oliver Tambo on 28th October

▪ Senegal's President Abdou Diouf inaugurates Soweto Square and Nelson Mandela Avenue in the centre of Dakar, Senegal, 6th December

▪ Awarded Doctor of Laws degree by Ahmadu Bello University in Nigeria, December


Street sign in Glasgow, Scotland.

▪ Elected Honorary Life President of the National Union of Mineworkers of South Africa

▪ Awarded the W.E.B. DuBois International Medal by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

▪ Coventry City Council named new building after Mandela

▪ Presented with the Alfonso Comin Foundation Peace Award in Barcelona, Spain

▪ Freedom of the Borough of Islwyn, Wales, given to Winnie and Nelson Mandela

▪ International Peace and Freedom Award by the Workers International Centre, Stockholm Sweden

▪ Awarded, with Winnie Mandela, the Third World Prize by the Strategic and International Studies Group of Malaysia, 5th May

▪ Honorary Doctorate of Laws, University of Zimbabwe

▪ Nelson Mandela Park in Leicester, England, named after Mandela

▪ Honorary membership awarded to Winnie and Nelson Mandela by the National Union of Seamen, United Kingdom

▪ St George's Place in Glasgow, Scotland, the location of the South African consulate is renamed 'Nelson Mandela Place'.

▪ Made Honorary Freeman of Newcastle


▪ First person to receive the Freedom of the City of Sydney, Australia, 9th January.

▪ Honorary Degrees, Winnie and Nelson Mandela, United States Ross University Medical School in the Caribbean

▪ Named Patron of Isipingo and District Football Association, Natal

▪ Honorary Degree, University of Michigan, USA

▪ Honorary Degree. University of Havana, Cuba

▪ Honorary Citizen, City of Florence, Italy

▪ Honorary Doctorate, Karl Marx University of the German Democratic Republic, Leipzig, 11th November

▪ Dutch football player Ruud Gullit dedicates his European Footballer of the Year award to Nelson Mandela


▪ Park in Montreal named "Parc Winnie-et-Nelson-Mandela" (Winnie's name removed in 1998)

▪ Awarded Bremen Solidarity Prize, Federal Republic of Germany

▪ Nelson and Winnie Mandela given honorary membership of the National Union of Teachers, United Kingdom

▪ Awarded freedom of the City of Dublin, Ireland

▪ Awarded the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, by the European Parliament

▪ Honorary Doctorate conferred, University of Carabobo, Venezuela, June

▪ People of Lefkada, Greece, award the Medal of Peace, August

▪ Honorary citizenship conferred by nine Greek municipalities Egaleo, Ellenikon, Glyfada, Ilioupolis, Daissariani, New Filadelfia, Nikaea, Preveza and Zogrofu

▪ Honorary degree in Political Science awarded by the University of Bologna, Italy, 12th September

▪ Honorary citizenship bestowed by the Town Council of the city of Bologna, Italy, September

▪ Awarded the United Nations Human Rights Fourth Award, 10th December

▪ Nelson Mandela Road named, New Delhi, India, 10th December

▪ Bachelor of Laws degree, University of South Africa


▪ Augusto César Sandino Award bestowed by Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua, Managua, 21st February

▪ Freedom of the Municipality of Kwekwe, Zimbabwe. Award received on his behalf by Oliver Tambo

▪ Awarded Peace Prize of the Tipperary Peace Committee, Ireland

▪ Nuremberg Platz renamed 'Nelson Mandela Platz', Nuremberg, Germany, June

▪ Honorary Doctorate of Laws, York University, Toronto, Canada, 16th June

▪ Square in Clayes-sous-Bois, France, named 'Nelson Mandela Square', September


Lenin Peace Prize Medal, awarded 1990

▪ Made Honorary Life President of National Union of Mineworkers when he addressed its Central Committee, 21st April

▪ Granted freedom of the City of Harare, Zimbabwe, March

▪ 'Mandela Day', a public holiday declared in Zimbabwe on 5th March

▪ Awarded the Lenin Peace Prize for 1990, May. The last-ever recipient.

▪ Bestowed the Dr António Agostinho Neto Order, the highest honour of the People's Republic of Angola, 12th May

▪ Bestowed the award 'Grand Commander of the Federal Republic of Nigeria', Lagos, 14th May

▪ Awarded the Al-Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights in Tripoli, Libya, 19 or 20th May

▪ Honorary degree in political science by the Cairo University, Egypt, May

▪ Bestowed Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award, October

▪ Doctorate, honoris causa, conferred by University of Malaya, November

▪ Honorary Doctorate in law, University of the Western Cape, Bellville, Cape Town, 28th November

▪ Honorary Doctor of Laws, University of Cape Town


▪ Honorary LL.D Degree conferred, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 6th September

▪ Awarded Carter-Menil Human Rights Prize, 8th December

▪ Awarded Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize by UNESCO


▪ Installed as Chancellor of the University of the North (now called University of Limpopo), 25th April

▪ Honorary LL.D Degree conferred by the University of Fort Hare, 9th May

▪ Honorary Doctorate conferred at the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, Senegal, 30th June

▪ Presented with the Freedom of Miami Beach Medallion of Honour, Johannesburg, 29th September

▪ Pakistan conferred the Nishan-e-Pakistan, 3rd October

▪ Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation, Oviedo, Spain, 31st October

▪ Received the "Spirit of Liberty" award at the "People for the American Way" award ceremony, 8th November

▪ Received the Isitwalandwe Medal from the ANC.

▪ Awarded the Atatürk International Peace Prize by Turkey, but refused the award citing human rights violations committed by Turkey during that time. He later accepted the award in 1999.


Bill Clinton presented Mandela with the Philadelphia Liberty Medal on July 4, 1993

▪ Received Gleitsman Foundation International Activist Award, Johannesburg, 12th May

▪ Received Philadelphia Liberty Medal. Presented by President of the United States Bill Clinton, Philadelphia, USA, 4th July

▪ Honorary Degree conferred, Clark Atlanta University, 10th July

▪ Received Apostolic Humanitarian Award, Johannesburg, 15th September

▪ Honorary Doctorate of Laws, Soochow University, Taiwan, 1st August

▪ Awarded J. William Fulbright Prize for International Understanding, Washington, DC, 1st October

▪ Received Honorary Degree from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium, 8th October

▪ Awarded Nobel Peace Prize Oslo, Norway, 10th December

▪ Named Person of the Year by Time Magazine, together with F. W. de Klerk, Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin.


▪ Received the New Nation/Engen Man of the Year Flame of Distinction award, 24th March

▪ Elected Newsmaker of the Year, with Deputy President F W de Klerk, by the Johannesburg Press Club, 25th May. Prof Kader Asmal received the award on 29 September

▪ Received the Hunger Project's 8th annual Africa Prize for Leadership for the Sustainable End of Hunger, London, 19th July

▪ Received Anne Frank medal for human rights and tolerance, Johannesburg, 15th August

▪ Received Sheikh Yusuf Peace Award from the Muslim Women's Federation, 10th September

▪ Received the Arthur A Houghton Star Crystal Award for Excellence from the African-American Institute, 6th October

▪ Received Bishop John T. Walker Distinguished Humanitarian Service Award from Africare, 6th October

▪ Honorary Doctorate, Howard University, 7th October

▪ Received freedom of the town of Tongaat, KwaZulu-Natal, 21th October (initially granted in 1989)

▪ Received the Olympic Gold Order from International Olympic Committee president, Juan Antonio Samaranch, Cape Town, 16th November

▪ Received Man of the Year Award from the Greek Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Southern Africa, Johannesburg, 19 November 1994

▪ Honorary Doctorate awarded by University of South Africa

▪ Awarded the "Commonwealth Champion of Health" medal, received by South African athletes at the Commonwealth Games, Canada


▪ Africa Peace Award - sponsored jointly by the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) and the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) - presented at a ceremony in Durban, March

▪ Appointed an honorary member of the Order of Merit by Queen Elizabeth II

▪ 'Nelson Mandela Road' to Katse, Lesotho, inaugurated, 13th July

▪ Received Pretoria Press Club's 1994 Newsmaker of the Year Award, Pretoria, 20th July

▪ Granted the Freedom of Uitenhage, 14th September

▪ Awarded Honorary Fellowship of the College of Medicine of South Africa, Johannesburg, 17th October

▪ Harvard Business School Statesman of the Year Award, 14th December

▪ Human Rights Institute, with President Mandela as honorary chairman, launched in London by the International Bar Association, December 1995


▪ Awarded honorary fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland

▪ Indira Gandhi Award for International Justice and Harmony bestowed. Award received by Justice Minister Dullah Omar in New Delhi, India, January

▪ Received the World Citizenship Award of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

▪ U Thant Peace Award bestowed by Sri Chinmoy, 29th January

▪ Created Knight of the Order of the Elephant by the Danish Queen Margrethe II, Copenhagen, 18th February

▪ Awarded the National Order of Mali (Grande Croix), Mali's highest decoration, Bamako, 3rd March

▪ Received the Freedom of the City of London, London, 10th July

▪ Received the Degree of Doctor of Civil Law by Diploma of the University of Oxford and honorary degrees from the Universities of Cambridge (LLD), London (London School of Economics), Bristol, Nottingham, and Warwick (LLD) and from De Montfort and Glasgow Caledonian Universities in the garden of Buckingham Palace, 10th July A photograph of the event is available on the Glasgow Caledonian University Archives website⁠

▪ Received Honorary Doctorate from Pantheon-Sorbonne University, Paris, 15th July

▪ Received Honorary Doctorate from Stellenbosch University, 25th October

▪ Received the Freedom of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, 29th November

▪ Awarded The Battle of Adwa and the Victory of Adwa Centenary Medal by the Crown Council of Ethiopia in 1996


Nelson Mandela's former house in Soweto, Johannesburg, now Mandela Family Museum.

▪ Mandela Family Museum opens in Soweto, 29th November

▪ Awarded Honorary Degree by the University of the Philippines, Manila, 2nd March

▪ Created Knight of the Royal Swedish Order of the Seraphim, Stockholm, 3rd March.

▪ Received Freedom of the City of Pietermaritzburg, 25th April

▪ Received Freedom of the City of Bloemfontein, 16th May

▪ Baker Avenue in Central Harare, Zimbabwe, Renamed Nelson Mandela Avenue, 19th May

▪ Received Freedom of Boksburg, 26th June

▪ Received Freedom of Oxford, United Kingdom, 11th July

▪ Awarded Honorary Doctorate from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 17th July

▪ Awarded Honorary Doctorate by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Cape Town, 19th September

▪ Received the American Public Health Association Presidential Citation, Pretoria, 14th October

▪ Awarded the Collar of the Nile by President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Cairo, 21st October

▪ Received Freedom of City of Edinburgh, Scotland, 27th October

▪ Received Freedom of City of Cape Town, 27th November

▪ Received Honorary Degree from the University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 4th December

▪ Multi-purpose room at SUNY Binghamton renamed Nelson Mandela's Room

▪ The Nelson Mandela National Sports Stadium in Kampala Uganda was opened in 1997 with a concert by Lucky Dube.


▪ Received Honorary Doctoral Degree from the University of South Australia, University of Fort Hare, 23rd April

▪ Awarded Honorary Doctorate, University of Zululand, 30th May

▪ Awarded the Freedom of the City and County of Cardiff, Cardiff, 16th June

▪ Awarded the Chris Hani Award at the 10th National Congress of the South African Communist Party, Johannesburg, 1st July

▪ Awarded Honorary Degree by the University of Mauritius, 11th September

▪ Park in Montreal named again "Parc Nelson-Mandela", 14th September

▪ Awarded Honorary Doctorate by Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 18th September

▪ Awarded Congressional Gold Medal, Washington, 23 September

▪ Appointed Honorary Companion of the Order of Canada by the Governor General of Canada on behalf of the Queen of Canada, 24 September.

▪ Nelson Mandela public school named in his honour in Toronto.

▪ Presented with Award in Recognition of his Contribution to Democracy, Human Rights and Freedom by the Supreme Council of Sport in Africa, 19 November

▪ Created a Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Norwegian Order of St Olav by the King of Norway.


▪ Received the Deutscher Medienpreis, Baden-Baden, Germany, 28 January

▪ Awarded the Oneness-Peace Earth-Summit-Transcendence-Fragrance Award, Pretoria, 9 March

▪ Received the Golden Medal of the City of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 10 March

▪ Received honorary doctorate from Leiden University, Netherlands, 12 March

▪ Awarded the Freedom of the City of Durban, Durban, 16 April

▪ Received Honorary Doctorate from the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 30 April

▪ Received Ukraine's Highest Decoration, the First Class of the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, Cape Town, 5 May

▪ Received Jesse Owens Global Award, Johannesburg, 21 September

▪ Received insignia of Honour from the African Renaissance Institute, Johannesburg, 11 October

▪ Received an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from the University of Botswana, Gaborone, 14 October

▪ Received the Baker Institute Enron Prize for Distinguished Public Service at Rice University, Houston, 26 October

▪ Awarded the Freedom of the City of Lydenburg, Lydenburg, 3 November

▪ Appointed Honorary Companion of the Order of Australia, Canberra, 9 June; presented with the insignia by Australian Prime Minister John Howard in Pretoria on 15 November.

▪ Was among 18 included in Gallup's List of Widely Admired People of the 20th Century, from a poll conducted of the American people in December 1999.

▪ Awarded honorary doctorate from Uppsala University, Sweden, 3 December

▪ Presented with Temple of Understanding Annual Award to Religious and Political Leaders for Outstanding Service to Humanity, Cape Town, 5 December

▪ Presented with the Gandhi-King Award by the World Movement for Nonviolence at the World Parliament of Religions, Cape Town, 5 December

▪ Listed as one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century by Time magazine

▪ Accepted the Atatürk International Peace Prize from Turkey, after refusing the award in 1992.

▪ Created Knight of the Dutch/Luxembourgian Order of the Gold Lion of the House of Nassau, Netherlands, 10 March


Nelson Mandela National Museum - Information Centre at Qunu.

▪ The Nelson Mandela National Museum is officially opened in Soweto, 11 February

▪ Awarded honorary Doctorate of Laws by Trinity College, Dublin, 11 April

▪ Appointed honorary Queen's Counsel by the House of Lords, United Kingdom, 3 May

▪ Awarded SABS Gold Medal, Sandton, 10 June

▪ BT Ethnic Multicultural Media Award, London, 29 June

▪ Received World Methodist Peace Award, London, 29 June

▪ International Freedom Award, Memphis, Tennessee, 22 November

▪ Elected an Honorary Member of the Bertrand Russell Society, autumn

▪ Awarded Honorary Doctorate of Law from the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

▪ Awarded Honorary Doctor of Letters from the Australian National University, 6 September


▪ International Gandhi Peace Prize, Presidential Palace, New Delhi, 16 March

▪ Made an Honorary Freeman of Leeds, 30 April

▪ Made an Honorary Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge, 2 May

▪ Awarded the first King Shaka Award in recognition of bravery, 25 July 2001

▪ Park Public School renamed Mandela Park Public School, Toronto, Canada, 17 November

▪ Received honorary doctorate of law from Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, 17 November

▪ Granted Honorary Citizenship of Canada, 19 November

▪ Awarded the LLD Honoris Cause from the University of the Free State

▪ Awarded the D Tech Education Honoris Cause from the Technikon Free State

▪ Human Rights Lifetime Achievement award by the SA Human Rights Commission, Johannesburg, 11 December

▪ Made an Honorary Administrator For A Day at SUNY Binghamton


▪ Awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Law from Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, 6 April

▪ New hall of residence at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa named 'Nelson Mandela Hall'

▪ Awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the University of Ghana, 24 April

▪ Awarded the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Freedom Medal, Middelburg, The Netherlands, 8 June.

▪ Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States' highest civilian award, by George W. Bush, Washington, USA, 9 July

▪ Awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal from Canada.

▪ Awarded the Order of Mapungubwe - Platinum Category by President Thabo Mbeki, Union Buildings, Pretoria, December 2002.

▪ Construction begins on the Mandela Parkway in Oakland, California, built after 1989's Loma Prieta earthquake demolished the Cypress Street Viaduct portion of the Nimitz Freeway.


▪ Awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Law by the National University of Ireland, Galway, 20 June[30]

▪ Elected an Honorary Life member of the Literary and Debating Society, NUI, Galway.

▪ Named a Hero of Freedom by the libertarian magazine Reason

▪ Awarded Honorary Doctorate Degree - Doctor of Letters (Honoris causa) by The Open University of Tanzania


▪ Sandton Square in Johannesburg, South Africa is renamed Nelson Mandela Square on 31 March with the unveiling of a 6 m bronze statue (see photo, top of page).

▪ Listed as one of the 100 most influential people of 2004 by Time magazine

▪ Created a Bailiff Grand Cross of The Order of St John

▪ Africa Elephant Award by the Africa Scout Region

▪ Zoologists Brent E. Hendrixson and Jason E. Bond named a South African species of trapdoor spider in the family Ctenizidae as Stasimopus mandelai, "honouring Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa and one of the great moral leaders of our time."

▪ Presented with the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws from Open University. The award was presented to him at his home in Cape Town by Professor Brenda Gourley The Open University’s Vice-Chancellor (2002-2008) and former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Natal.


▪ Amherst College honorary degree.

▪ Listed as one of the 100 most influential people of 2005 by Time magazine


▪ New Statesman - Listed as the number 2 in the 50 "Heroes of our time".

▪ Awarded Amnesty International's Ambassador of Conscience Award

▪ Made an honorary member of Manchester United as the club toured South Africa in the winter of 2006

▪ Conferred an honorary doctorate in government and politics by Universiti Teknologi Mara, the biggest public university in Malaysia, in recognition of his tireless efforts and triumph in struggling for the people's rights in his country and strengthening their socio-economy.

▪ Awarded the Giuseppe Motta Medal for support for peace and democracy.


▪ The Westminster City Council agreed to erect a statue of Mandela opposite the Houses of Parliament in London.

▪ Honorary citizen of Belgrade, Serbia. "for his huge humanitarian past and contributions to mankind".


▪ In January 2008, the Europe-based A Different View cited Mandela as one of the 15 Champions of World Democracy. Other champions mentioned were Lech Wałęsa, Corazon Aquino, and Václav Havel.

▪ Michigan State University LLD honoris causa.


▪ In July 2009, Mandela received the Arthur Ashe Courage Award presented by Venus and Serena Williams. Accepting on his behalf were his daughter and grandson.

▪ In November 2009, the United Nations General Assembly announced that Mandela's birthday, 18 July, is to be known as 'Mandela Day' marking his contribution to world freedom.


▪ Received Honorary Degree from Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 28 October.

▪ Conferred an Honorary Doctorate Degree by six universities in the Laureate International Universities network.

▪ Conferred an Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree by Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, United States.

▪ Received Orden del Águila Azteca. Presented by President of México Felipe Calderón, Johannesburg, South Africa, 11 June 2010.


▪ Received The BrandLaureate Hall of Fame-Lifetime Achievement Award from the Asia Pacific Brands Foundation (APBF)

▪ Received the Canadian version of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal

Nelson Mandela no doubt, lived a life fighting other people's courses. He died as a great achiever and an international hero. At 95 years, he has gained a forever celebrated life even after death. This, we should emulate. May his soul rest in perfect peace... Amen!

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