Saturday, June 1, 2013


Your arms around my waist
Holding me so close I missed 
Your warm breath when we kissed
Making a good flow when my pen and paper kissed

Drawn me deeper in your warmth
In the passion of love we were born
My words may not be much
But my love cannot be bought

Your voice like soul music 
How it gladdens my heart when you whisper your words 
Soul winning
Treasured more than diamond mines pleasures more than diabetic wines

Your tender touch fevered my body 
And your smiles heals my fevered body 
Nightmarish scenes I don't see 
When I dream, it's you I see 

You are so far away 
Yet I hug you everyday 
such a feeling of dismay 
In my heart alone it displays

They call you Rebecca 
But I call you Amaka

Come back in my arms dearest
Before my eyes becomes tear-less 
This distance seem heartless 
But there'll never be another Juliet

Oh practice!
How it makes perfect 
I learn everyday to love you 
To trust you and to keep you 
How perfect my practice has grown to become 

Far into my world you have come 
Far into the world you are gone 
The sky turned dark 
And the heavens drains out rain 
As my lips tastes the salty sting of tears
Oh what a pain 

My heart grows heavy 
My eyes tearfully heavy 
Return to my arms before my heart falls off my chest baby
Before my eyes turns waterfalls maybe

Ring, ring Amaka
I long beyond your voice Amaka
Beyond your photos on cables Amaka 

Before the cocks crows
My cock grows 
Rising beyond my controls 
Only wishing to be banked in the deepest part of you Amaka

Before it empties its juices in the bathroom 
Hurry like an antelope 
grant me a sweatful bath in the room 
For with you, my appetite grows wild 

Hurry like a bear 
Spray your wings like a bird 
Roses on the bed 
Good music to our ears 

Let's turn off the lights
Turn on the candles 
With your bedmatonic sound
Out sound the music 
When I ride you like a horse 

Such memories I like to refresh 
Placing my head between your chest 
You got me trapped between your legs
You're the best among the rest 

I wrote you these piece as a prize 
Not to bring you peace as a bride 
But let you know how much you're missed; peace.

Hurry to me Rebecca 
My precious jewel Amaka

Before the sun hides behind the trees
Show me how unborn babies kicks

Send me a line 
But spare me a bunch of flimses 
Give me your time
You owe me a bunch of kisses

Before our feelings are gone with the wind
Before the clocks stops ticking and duck us out of sight 

Hurry to me Rebecca 
My precious Jewel Amaka 
My mummy wants to meet ya.

Yours forever.

BBM: 31508D61
Twitter: @GETme_INSPIRED


Amaka Exel said...

Wow!!! What a co-incident! My name on your poem?? How romantic! So rich in content! The rhymes and choice of words are just perfect to win every woman's heart. How a letter like this could be mine... Good Job Mr. Famous Paul.

onyeka fiaka said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmm,nice choice of words,hw I wished I was a lady,,Bravo...@Ndidiamaka okoye,what are you feeling like,huh ?